Rosario Ortega Ruiz
Professor of Psychology University of Cordoba
Rosario Ortega Ruiz, Professor of Psychology, is currently Emeritus Professor at the University of Cordoba (Spain) and Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Convivencia and Violence Prevention. She has over 30 years of research experience on the field of interpersonal relations, socio-emotional and moral competence development, as well as on children play and social and moral cognition. On the last 25 years, she has led research on unjustified violence, school violence, bullying and cyberbullying, and dating violence and how it can harbour violence and lead to the psychogenesis of gender violence. She is author of over a hundred scientific journal articles, and fifteen books. Her academic activity has also focused on training young researchers, as well as preventing children and youth violence, through the development of evidence-based prevention models of psychoeducational intervention.
She has supervised over 30 successful PhD Students. In 2005, she led the creation of the Department of Psychology at the University of Cordoba. In 2008 she led the development of a new Master of Research and Doctorate Programme. Her international work included more than ten European project and research and psychoeducational interventions in Latin America (sponsored by, among other, the Interamerican Bank of Development, UNESCO-Brazil, UK-DIFID for Nicaraguan Public Educational System).
Her experience in science management includes two terms in the Coordinating Commission Spanish National Agency for Academic Quality -ANECA and CNEAI- and one term in the Spanish National Agency for Research -AEI- and several time on the National Programme of I+D+i. She has been member of the evaluation panel of the European Commission -European Research Council, Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants-, as well as for the Research Council of Norway, Portugal and Chile, among other. She is currently member of the review panels of the European Science Foundation and the Spanish Foundation on Science and Technology -FECyT.
She is member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Scientific Research on Psychology and Education (ACIPE) and associate editor of the journal Educational Psychology and co-director of the Psychology Society and Education.
Further information available in ORCID and Scopus/Scimago