World Anti-Bullying Forum

Call for abstracts is now open

Join us June 11-13, 2025 in Stavanger, Norway for WABF 2025


Teens laughing together

Register your contribution

Do you want to present, participate in a workshop, symposium, or with a poster at the world’s largest conference on bullying? The “call for abstracts” for WABF 2025 is now open. It is now possible to register contributions to WABF 2025, which is the world’s largest conference on bullying. The registration for abstracts or “Call […]

School kids

New definition of bullying

A new definition of bullying has been published on behalf of a Working Group established by UNESCO and World Anti-Bullying Forum.

Old Stavanger. Photo: Sven Erik Knoff/Region Stavanger

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is open. Submission will close November 10th. WABF 2025 welcomes researchers on bullying to present their work as symposia, individual posters, or oral presentations. Further, we welcome presentations from policymakers and practitioners from kindergartens, preschools, schools, support systems for children and youth, and other contexts where bullying can occur. Projects that […]

Why we need to act

Bullying is a global problem. By sharing knowledge and experiences we can create a safer world for children and young people.

Quotes from the forum

"A wide range of ideas and approaches was represented. There were also plenty of opportunities for networking with other delegates and presenters."

Participant, WABF 2021

”The opportunity to immerse myself in a supportive, collaborative climate of researchers and practitioners who share a common goal. I feel so motivated to work harder on the cause of reducing bullying."

Participant, WABF 2019

”The differing approaches to the same problem provide a considerable amount of insight. One or two of the presentations were nothing short of mind-blowing.”

Participant, WABF 2017