Guidelines and session specifics

Welcome to Norway and World Anti-Bullying Forum 2025!
All presentations will be held at Stavanger Forum Event Centre (Gunnar Warebergs Gate 13, 4021 Stavanger, Norway).
For WABF 2025, the presentation forms are Symposia, Paper presentations, Workshops, and Posters. Please review the following instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and successful presentation.
- Paper Presentation
- Workshop
- Symposium
- Poster Presentation
- General information
1. Paper Presentation
In this format, presenters deliver condensed versions of their completed or advanced research projects that present theoretical insights and/or practical implications or discuss a practice or policy related to addressing bullying.
Session Information and Guidelines:
- Your oral presentation is part of a 90-minute session with 5 presenters.
- Each speaker has 17 minutes, including time for questions (max.15 min for speaking, remaining time for questions).
- Presenters are responsible for managing their time accordingly.
- Time limits are strictly enforced. Regarding your time for speaking, a WABF session facilitator will signal when you have 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, and when the time is up.
- The rooms used for paper presentations have screens, PCs, speakers, and microphones available.
- See Technical Setup and Upload Instructions under the section General Information
Best Practice for an Effective Paper Presentation
- Arrive at your session room at least 5 minutes early.
- Sessions start on time, and presentations must follow the published schedule.
- Rehearse your presentation to ensure clarity and timing.
- WABF fosters dialogue between practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Please tailor your presentation to engage this diverse audience.
2. Workshop
Workshops are subject-focused sessions that allow participants to engage in discussion and activity on a particular topic related to addressing bullying. A workshop can feature educational material, policy development, promising practices, applied research, or the sharing of experiences.
Session information and guidelines
- Your workshop is a 60-minute session.
- The workshop may include a single presenter or multiple presenters offering different perspectives on the same topic.
- A WABF session facilitator will be present, ensuring it follows the scheduled timeline.
- The rooms used for workshop presentations have screens, PCs, speakers, and microphones available.
- See Technical Setup and Upload Instructions under the section General Information.
Best Practice for an Effective Workshop
- Encourage participation through discussions, exercises, or group work.
- Allocate time for Q&A to foster meaningful dialogue.
- Use engaging formats, such as case studies, role-playing, or interactive polling.
- Ensure your content is well-structured and accessible to a diverse audience of practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.
3. Symposium
Symposia are focused sessions in which multiple speakers present information related to a unifying topic viewed as a significant common theme, issue, or question. The presentations generally include a data review but may also include discussions of contrasting viewpoints or other innovative strategies for engaging the audience.
Session Information and Guidelines
- Duration of the symposium is 90 minutes.
- Your chairperson is responsible for organizing, introducing the session, and ensuring it follows the scheduled timeline.
- The symposium consists of 5 presentations: either 4 presenters and a discussant, or 5 presenters without a discussant.
- The rooms used for symposia presentations have screens, PCs, speakers, and microphones available.
- See Technical Setup and Upload Instructions under the section General Information.
4. Poster Presentation
The poster presentation is an opportunity to showcase your bullying-related work, including data reviews, case studies, or theoretical and practical insights. These sessions combine a graphic display of materials with informal discussions between presenters and attendees. Your poster will be displayed alongside other presenters, creating an environment for engagement and learning.
The Best Poster Award will be presented to the poster that makes the most significant contribution to the conference. During the conference, a committee of 3 to 5 representing members from different scientific disciplines and practitioners will evaluate the posters regarding both content and layout. The winner will be announced at the end of the Poster Festival on Friday, June 13.
Session Information and Guidelines
- You will be able to set up your poster as soon as you arrive at the conference. Access to the poster boards starts at 15:00 on June 10. Please hang your poster at your earliest but no later than 12:00 on Day 1 (June 11).
- The posters will be displayed in a dedicated Poster area (Mastrafjorden B) and be visible for the entire conference. There will also be a dedicated Poster Festival on Day 3 (June 13) of the conference where authors are encouraged to stand by their posters to engage with other conference attendees.
Poster Specifications
- Recommended Size: A0 Portrait-format: 841 mm width x 1189 mm height
- Recommended font size 18-24 e.g. Arial or Helvetica.
- Print the poster using a printing house/printshop if your organization does not have a printer for this big format.
- A WABF session facilitator will provide mounting options for hanging the poster when you arrive at the conference.
- A Poster example is displayed below.
Key Elements for an Effective Poster
- Highlight the major points of your research clearly and briefly.
- A viewer should be able to read your poster in approximately 5 minutes.
- The poster should be as self-explanatory as possible so that your main job is to supplement the information it contains.
- Limit the text and use simple, clear language. Use photos, charts, graphs, or tables to convey your message.
- We encourage you to have paper copies of your poster or other relevant materials available.
5. General instructions
Technical Setup and Upload Instructions
- Submit your presentation at least 48 hours before the conference.
More information with a link will be provided closer to the date.
- File Naming: More information with a link will be provided closer to the date.
- During your presentation you will use the PC provided in the session room (Windows + PowerPoint).
- A WABF session facilitator will be available to assist with setup.
Presentation and Slides Specifications
- Recommended PowerPoint format (PPT or PPTX): 16:9 ratio.
- Font size: A minimum 14pt is recommended for readability.
- Language: English (no interpretation available).
- Highlight key takeaways when presenting graphs, tables, or equations.
Video Specifications
- Video format must be in MP4 H.264 25 FPS;
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Resolution: 1920×1080
- Birate not more than 20 Mbit/s
Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi)
- The venue offers an open high-speed Wi-Fi connection.
Read more about the types of presentations and (the now closed) call for abstracts.