Hosts & Partners

Friends is a Swedish NGO founded in 1997 that provides adults with research-based tools to prevent bullying among children and young people. Friends develops, implements and disseminates knowledge about bullying, degrading treatment and discrimination, nationally as well as internationally.
Friends do so by working within four areas that in combination contribute to the goal of not letting one single child be subjected to bullying: research, training, advise and advocacy.
Friends are the initiators of the World Anti-Bullying Forum.
For information visit their website.
Partnership Against Bullying Norway
Partnership Against Bullying Norway (Partnerskap mot mobbing) is a broad coalition between the Norwegian government and 14 national organizations who share a vision of inclusive learning environments free from bullying for all children.
The partners work to prevent bullying by increasing local competence and cooperation for an inclusive kindergarten-, leisure, and school-environment. The partnership’s measures include advocacy and capacity building for children’s rights, support for local and national projects and development of networks and partnerships against bullying.
The partnership members include (in alphabetical order)
- Association of NGOs in Norway
- Association of Private Schools
- Association of School Leaders
- National Group of Public Health Nurses
- National Parent’s Committee for Early Childhood Education and Care
- National Parent’s Committee for Primary and Secondary Education
- Norwegian Association of Graduate Teachers
- Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
- Norwegian Government
- Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
- Norwegian Union of School Employees
- Private Kindergartens Federation
- Sami Parliament
- School Student Union of Norway
- Union of Education Norway
For information e-mail us at: or visit the website (Norwegian).
UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO’s programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. As the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, UNESCO is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda.
Linköping University
In close collaboration with the business world and society, Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, boundary-crossing research. The university has 32,000 students and 4,000 employees on four campuses. Together we seek answers to the complex questions facing us today.
The International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) was founded in 2003 when grassroots practitioners and researchers came together to convene the first conference in the US entirely focused on bullying prevention.
The mission of IBPA is to engage the global community in bullying prevention and intervention.
The organization is structured around four guiding principles which include:
- Ethical training practices
- Ethical conduct toward practices and performance
- Ethical conduct toward professional colleagues
- Ethical conduct toward community